Lighthouse, the best coworking space in Maldonado

Every corner of Lighthouse is designed to inspire and encourage creativity in every member of our community


The best place for your professional development

Common areas 

Working in a coworking space gives you the opportunity to showcase your projects and ventures. At Lighthouse, we don't just provide workspaces; we create an environment that fosters collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Every corner is designed to build meaningful relationships among our members.

It's the perfect stage to connect with passionate professionals. More than desks, we offer a place where you can find inspiration.


Private Offices

We understand the importance of having moments of deep concentration, especially when working as a team. That's why our private offices are designed to meet your needs. It's a space where you can work in peace and stay focused.

These offices not only offer privacy and comfort but also provide the opportunity to collaborate in a distraction-free environment. With a layout that facilitates teamwork and seamless interaction, our private offices become the perfect setting for team sessions, strategic meetings, and joint projects.





At Lighthouse, we have a fully equipped kitchen with complete tableware, a refrigerator, microwave, and electric oven, so our members can have everything they need.

We provide you with a suitable space where you can take your breaks comfortably.



Sustainability and well-being are two of the fundamental pillars that guide every aspect of Lighthouse. We believe in the importance of caring for our environment and reducing our environmental impact.

The garden we have is a constant reminder that sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a value deeply rooted in us.

We seek to integrate these values into all aspects of our community. By choosing Lighthouse, you prioritize not only professional success but also a balance with nature and holistic well-being.



Precios Generales si sólo necesitas acceder al espacio de coworking

Precios generales

  • Day Pass USD$ 50 / UYU 2225

  • Pase Semanal  USD$ 150 / UYU 6675

  • Pase Quincenal USD$ 200 / UYU 8900

  • Pase Mensual USD$ 300 / UYU 13350

Salas Privadas

    • Sala privada por hora USD$ 40 / UYU 1780

    • Sala privada por dia USD$ 120 / UYU 5340

    • Sala privada por mes USD$ 1000 / UYU 44500

    ¿Sos uno de nosotros?

    Obtené tu membresía y accedé al mejor espacio de Maldonado.

    Últimos cupos a precio promocional


    USD$ 100.00

    / Mes (mínimo 6 meses)
    • ✅ 5 días de Coworking                    (Lun a Vie de 9hs a 18hs)
    • ✅ Meeting room
    • ✅ Espacios Comunes
    • ✅ Invitaciones  a eventos
    • ❌ Correspondencia
    • ❌ Escritorio fijo
    • ❌ Cajonera exclusiva
    • ❌ Estacionamiento
    • ❌ Dos eventos en el 2do piso
    • ❌ Descuentos especiales en una red de comercios


    USD$ 225.00

    / Mes (mínimo 6 meses)

    • ✅ Mes de Coworking               (Lun a Vie de 9hs a 18hs)
    • ✅ Meeting room
    • ✅ Espacios Comunes
    • ✅ Invitaciones a eventos
    • ✅ Correspondencia
    • ✅ Dos eventos en el 2do piso
    • ❌ Escritorio fijo
    • ❌ Cajonera exclusiva
    • ❌ Estacionamiento
    • ❌ Descuentos especiales en una red de comercios


    USD$ 300.00

    / Mes (mínimo 6 meses)
    • ✅  Coworking 24/7
    • ✅Meeting room
    • ✅ Espacios Comunes
    • ✅ Invitaciones a eventos
    • ✅ Correspondencia
    • ✅ Dos eventos en el 2do piso.
    • ✅ Escritorio fijo
    • ✅ Cajonera exclusiva
    • ✅ Estacionamiento
    •   Descuentos especiales en una red de comercios  

    Membresía Nómada digital

    USD$ 200 .00

    / mes
      • ✅ 30 días de Coworking
      • ✅ Sala de reuniones 
      • ✅ Espacios Comunes
      • ✅ Invitaciones a eventos
      • ✅ Correspondencia
      • ✅ Dos eventos en el 2do piso. 
      • ❌ Escritorio fijo
      • ❌ Cajonera exclusiva
      • ❌ Estacionamiento
      • ❌ Descuentos especiales en una red de comercios

    Membresía Streamer

    USD$ 200 .00

    / mes
      • ✅ Programa en Realtok Live
      • ✅ Sala de reuniones 
      • ✅ Espacios Comunes
      • ✅ Invitaciones a eventos

    Our members

    The community shares their experience



    Transform your workdays 

    Join the Lighthouse community and meet professionals like you.
